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Notewize Electric Guitar:
Level 8

Level 8 of the Notewize Electric Guitar Lesson Pack introduces moving power chords, minor and minor pentatonic scale shapes with the root on the A string, and how to play bends in order to add a new level of emotion and nuance to your playing.


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Warm-up #1: String Skipping


String Skipping Exercises are great for beginner and intermediate guitarists looking to test their coordination. This one will have you play 2 notes on each string before skipping to another string. 

Warm-up #2: String Skipping


This string skipping warm-up is a bit more complicated, as you will only play 1 note on each string before skipping to another string. This will require an even higher level of coordination, so take your time and practice it until you get it right!

Scale: Minor Scale (Am Shape)


This A minor scale shape is a great one to have under your fingers, and it will allow you to play minor scales with the root on the A string. Pairing this scale shape with the E minor scale shape will give you 2 great options for playing minor riffs and melodies.

Scale: Minor Pentatonic Scale (Am Shape)


The A minor pentatonic scale shape is very similar to the A minor scale shape, with some notes removed. This scale shape is perfect for expanding your options for playing riffs and solos.

Chord: E5 Power Chord Shape


Power chords are extremely popular in styles like classic rock, alternative, and metal. This E5 power chord shape can be moved all across the neck, and will open up a world of options for your rhythm guitar playing.

Technique: Half Bends


Bends are crucial for adding emotion and nuance to your solos and melodies. This lesson will walk you through the basics of half bends, which move the pitch of the string up by 1 fret. We'll cover the proper hand position and how to control your pitch, ensuring your bends sound perfect every time.

Technique: Full Bends


Full bends will require a bit more finger strength and precision, and this lesson will guide you towards having full control over your sound. The Practice Song has a combination of half bends and full bends so you can continue to practice both!

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