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Notewize Electric Guitar:
Level 4

Level 4 of the Notewize Electric Guitar Lesson Pack takes on a brand new set of warm-ups, scales, chords, and techniques. This Level includes string skipping warm-ups, the minor pentatonic scale,  open Em and Am chords, and two different types of slide techniques.

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Warm-up #1: String Skipping


When playing a melody or solo, you will sometimes have to skip over a string or two. This first string skipping warm-up uses the finger pattern 1-2-3-4 as it skips over different sets of strings.

Warm-up #2: String Skipping


This string skipping warm-up uses the finger pattern 1-3-2-4, and skips between different sets of strings. Keep your hands coordinated, and try to keep track of which strings you are playing.

Scale: Minor Pentatonic Scale (1 octave)


The minor pentatonic scale is very similar to the minor scale, with a few notes removed. This 1-octave shape only uses 3 strings, and is a must-know shape for guitarists wanting to play rock and blues riffs.

Chord: Open Em Chord


Minor chords are often considered the "opposite" of major chords, and they have a distinctly different sound. Check out this lesson for 2 different fingerings to use for the open Em chord.

Chord: Open Am Chord


Am is one the most commonly played minor chords on the guitar, and is often in songs with the Em chord. This lesson will show you how to play Am, and showcase some tips on switching between Am, Em, and E major.

Technique: Legato Slides


Slides help to make notes sound more connected when you are shifting around the neck. There are a few types of slides, and this lesson will cover the most common one - legato slides.

Technique: Shift Slides


While legato slides are really useful over shorter distances, shift slides are best used over longer distances. With a shift slide, you will pick the string, slide, and then pick the string again when reaching the target note.

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