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Notewize Electric Guitar:
Level 3

Level 3 of the Notewize Electric Guitar Lesson Pack takes on new concepts and new chords, including string switching warm-ups, the major pentatonic scale, open E major and A major chords, and shifting up and down the neck of the guitar!

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Warm-up #1: String Switching


String switching warm-ups are great to coordinate your picking and fretting hand when changing strings. They can be a bit tricky at first, but get easier as your hands get more coordinated.

Warm-up #2: String Switching


This second string switching warm-up focuses on finger rolls, which will help you notes sound seamless and connected when switching strings on the same fret.

Scale: Major Pentatonic Scale (1 octave)


The major pentatonic scale is very similar to the major scale, with a few notes removed. This one octave shape uses just 3 strings, but will allow you to play many familiar riffs and melodies.

Chord: Open E Major Chord


Major chords are the some of the most commonly used chords in music. The open E major chord is a great one to learn, as it uses all 6 strings and is used in countless songs.

Chord: Open A Major Chord


The open A major chord is another commonly played major chord, and is often found in songs with the E major chord. This lesson also includes a practice song so you can work on switching between E major and A major.

Technique: Shifting


Dots on the guitar neck are extremely useful references for navigating to higher notes. This lesson will cover how to shift up and down the neck, with a simple melody to practice moving between higher and lower notes.

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